Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ben's Birthday and Other Random Topics

Ben's 2nd birthday was a couple of weeks ago. I still can't believe how fast the last year has gone by. Doesn't seem possible. Actually, looking at the bags under my eyes, you would think 5 years have gone by. Seriously though, it's so much fun to look back at videos and pictures of when Ben first joined our family. He has changed so much.

He really seemed to enjoy his birthday. I think he understood that it was a special day for him. He definitely understood how much fun it was to get a whole bunch of new toys in one day :-) Here are some pics from the day....

He really tore into his cake. He ate almost an entire piece!

Gigi came to visit for the weekend. Below she and Ben are displaying one of his gifts....a tent from my Aunt Jill and Uncle Mike.

Below: Me helping Ben open his new Zhu Zhu pet. He lost his old one a while back, so he was excited to see the new one.

It was a great day celebrating Ben's second year of life. We are so blessed!!!!

Another topic I would like to briefly discuss concerns Ben's stroller. The main reason I'm bringing this up is we're going home for Christmas this year and I'm sure Greg will be broadcasting it to everyone so I'm just going to get it out in the open. Here goes....a few weeks ago, I almost backed over Ben's stroller in the Hy-Vee parking lot. The only reason I didn't actually run over it was a kind bystander decided to risk her life and stand behind my car, waving her hands like she was on fire. Bless her heart.

And to make matters worse, I also left it in the Kohl's parking lot a few days ago.....and didn't even realize it until two days later when I was at Von Maur with Ben. I opened the back of the CRV and SURPRISE!!! It was gone. Luckily, I still have a few brain cells left in the midst of all this holiday madness and I immediately knew where I had left it. Thank God!!!

I really have no defense except the fact that I have been moderately sleep-deprived lately and in the short period of time it takes me to transfer Ben from the stroller to the car-seat, I apparently develop a mild form of Alzheimer's and forget that I even had a stroller in the first place. The poor stroller. Let's hope I can make it through the rest of this year without inadvertently setting it on fire or dropping it off a bridge or something.

Well, that's all I got. I doubt I'll be blogging again before Christmas, so I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. For those of you whom we'll be spending Christmas with....can't wait to see you soon!!!

Love, Brooke, Greg and Ben

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pics and the stroller story. Glad you stole Greg's "Thunder" before you got here. Looking forward to seeing you 3 at Christmas. Love, The Gig