Sunday, June 29, 2008

Greg vs. The Lawn (Round 5)

As most of you know, Greg and I aren't "yard people". We basically do the bare minimum so we don't get the cops called on us for having foot high weeds. Greg has always mowed the lawn like a good neighbor should and I have historically been the weed puller. It has been a long running joke among the Reynolds' clan that our yard is never quite up to par. Above is what our current yard looked like when we moved in (granted, it was early spring, so the grass hadn't greened up yet). The house had been built over a year before we bought it and no one was tending to the yard much so, again, we figured we had an uphill battle on our hands. We've lived in 5 houses over the past 10 years and we have always had one of the worst yards in the neighborhood. Until now..........
This is the current state of our yard. It is Greg's pride and joy. In fact, he has been wanting me to email pictures of our yard to Matt and Jon (his greatest lawn critics) for about a month now. I figured I would go all out and devote a post to document Greg's triumph over the beast (lawn). Above you can see our lovely hydrangeas surrounded by lush, carpet-like grass.

This is me showing my love and appreciation for our lovely yard. It has been a long time coming. I used to beg Greg to hire a lawn care company to come and fix our yards of times past, but now Greg has come through. It was Round 5, he was on the ropes, and he came out victorious!!!
Here is Greg. Doesn't he look like a man who has tasted victory?? In this picture, he is standing proudly by his most recent accomplishment, the rock garden. I have to interject here that I was completely against the rock garden. Every time he described it to me, I just couldn't imagine anything even remotely attractive. But I must say, it turned out much better than I thought. The reason for the rock garden was not aesthetics, but rather to keep the stream of water that would always form in that area during a rainstorm from washing away our mulch. I am happy to report that it has done the trick and it really doesn't look all that bad. We will probably add some larger boulders around the area just to tie it in a little more.

I believe that the true test of a good lawn is if you can comfortably pencil roll on it. Here I am demonstrating that our yard is indeed pencil roll-worthy. I am also demonstrating that I am in desperate need of a tan. Yikes!!!

Well folks, that's all for today. As you can probably tell by the subject matter of this post...we don't get out much :-) Please stay tuned for our next post entitled "Dog-Mate of the Year". Doesn't that just put you on the edge of your seat?
Love you all,


Matt Reynolds said...

Photos can be altered as I assume these have. Greg has never had a plush, green yard. If these are not altered, I assume Greg has hired the local TruGreen company. Which would be another first, Greg opening up his wallet. MR

Joda said...

I'm testing this...